Guide to Driving in Cyprus

Guide to Driving in CyprusHave a look over the map at home to decide how far you want to go and in how much time. Leave the detailed planning for later but make sure that you have your first day's route planed in mind. Have a look over the map at home to decide how [...]

Which car I need? Do I need any extras?

Which car I need? Do I need any extras?Cars are booked by group not specific model and are subject to availability. Cars are booked by group not specific model and are subject to availability. We reserve the right to upgrade your car without prior notice, if the model/group requested becomes unavailable for reasons unforeseen. The [...]

In case of a car accident

In case of a car accidentIn the event of an accident, the driver must notify our company immediately where the incident took place. Our 24-hour emergency line is printed on the top of every rental contract. In the event of an accident, the driver must notify our company immediately where the incident took place. Our [...]